Extractions are some of the oldest procedures in dental surgery. For many centuries, this procedure was done on teeth that were aching due to cavities and other conditions. However, modern methods provide other ways of saving such teeth including fillings or through root canals.

In many cases, a tooth extraction is more of a last resort. This is because the mouth may not function naturally if there are gaps. However, there are certain cases that necessitate an extraction.

Tooth Fractured Below the Gum Line

When a tooth cracks or breaks above the gum line, there are various solutions that can be used to save the tooth. When it's still above the gum line, it is still accessible to the dentist. However, if the fracture is below the gum line, there is no way for the problem to be fixed. The likely solution in such cases is for the tooth to be removed to prevent issues such as infection.

Serious Tooth Decay

Although fillings, root canals, and crowns have made it possible to save many decaying teeth, these methods also have their limits. The cavity caused by the decay might be too large for it to be fixed using a filling or crown. A root canal might not be able to save a tooth either if the cavity is too deep.

These procedures start with the removal of the decaying tooth matter. However, there has to be enough tooth matter left afterwards for these methods to be successful.

Crowded Teeth

You may also need an extraction even if you have healthy teeth. This is usually the case when the teeth are overcrowded. Overcrowded teeth can't fit comfortably on your jaw. This can have a number of undesired effects ranging from a crooked smile to physical discomfort. Removing a tooth might be the best solution.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted wisdom teeth is a very common problem and a common reason why extractions are performed. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that is coming out in a crooked manner, that is, at an angle to the rest of the teeth. This can cause you a lot of pain and can also increase the risk of various dental issues. In such cases, removal of the tooth is a common course of action.

Stuck Baby Teeth

A pediatric dentist may have to remove one of your child's baby teeth if it doesn't fall out as expected.

If you're experiences toothaches due to any of the above problems, it's best to contact a dental clinic like Scott W. Murphy Dentistry.
