If you have dental work, you may be pleased with the results of your dental procedures. However, your dental work may be damaged if proper precautions are not taken to keep your dental appliances or devices safe. 

Here are a few things you can do to help preserve your dental work.

Avoid Chewing on Hard Substances

Items, such as ice, pencils, fingernails and hard candy, should not be chewed. The bite pressure applied to the items may be intense enough to cause a dental device, such as a crown or veneer to crack. In addition, the items could warp dental appliances, such as braces,

Many restorative dental devices are made from substances that can crack or chip, such as porcelain. Once a device becomes damaged, the underlying tooth structure may also be harmed. 

Brush and Floss Daily

Dental decay occurs when acids from oral microbes eat away at the tooth enamel. Although dental work cannot decay, it can still be affected by bacterial acids. Dental devices rest on teeth that are held in place by the jawbone and the soft tissues of the mouth. 

The jawbone and the gingival tissues can become infected once gum disease develops. Periodontal disease can cause pockets or spaces to form between the gums and the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth can invade these pockets to cause infections that can thin and weaken the jawbone. These infections can also lead to gum recession, which can cause a dental device, such as a crown or veneer, to appear unsightly as a gap forms between the dental appliance and the gums.

Additionally, some dental devices, such as dental implants, rely on a connection with the jawbone for stabilization. If an implant fails to integrate with the bone of the jaw, the implant will never become secure within the mouth and will eventually fail.

Brushing and flossing help eliminate oral bacteria and reduces the amount of acid in the mouth. To receive the full benefit of brushing, it is important to brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least two minutes twice daily. Brushing before bedtime is particularly important because saliva production declines during periods of sleep. Saliva helps protect the gums by diluting oral acids and rinsing away bacteria. Without the protection offered by the secretion, the gums are particularly susceptible to inflammation.

Flossing can be performed with traditional string floss, or a water flosser may be used. Flossing thoroughly is particularly important for good gum health. The floss removes bacteria from along the gum line. Water flossers may also promote healthy circulation to help keep the gingival tissue in optimal condition. 

For more information about protecting your dental work, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area, such as at Brookside Dental Associate.
