Are you experiencing tooth pain? If so, you need to know that there are different levels of pain that are associated with toothaches. This can range from intermittent to persistent or dull to sharp pain.

The evidence of a toothache may be apparent if severe decay or facial swelling are the contributing factors, but in many cases, others may not be able to tell that someone is possibly experiencing a toothache. For example, hairline cracks in teeth may not be visible to the naked eye. The following can be used to help you understand what may be causing your toothache.


This type of toothache may be a sign of sensitive teeth, or it could be a sign of an infection. Take a peek in your mouth to see if there are signs of gum swelling or inflammation. If either is present, you may have gingivitis, early gum disease or an abscess.

If you notice that the sensitivity occurs after you eat or drink something and does not last long, it is possible that the surfaces of your teeth are sensitive. This could be the result of enamel erosion, exposed roots, or a dental appliance such as a filling in the area of the sensitivity becoming loosened. 

Upper Back Teeth Pain

This type of pain could be the result of a sinus infection rather than a problem with your teeth, which is why you need a dental professional to make the correct diagnosis. The reason your teeth may hurt due to sinus issues is because the sinuses and teeth in this region rely on the same nerves to trigger pain sensations. 

Dull and Persistent Pain

This is likely a sign that an infection is present within the tooth. The degree of decay will determine whether or not a root canal can be performed to save the affected tooth. Tooth infections can spread to surrounding bone tissue and cause additional oral health issues or result in bone tissue loss. 

If you have had dental work performed in the past, the pain could be associated with something that needs to be repaired. For example, a loosened crown could cause this type of pain due to the pulp that was covered by the crown being exposed. 

Sharp Pain 

This type of pain may be experienced when you chew, bite down or clench your teeth. The pain could be the result of jaw bone issues, which might require you to need to wear a custom fitted mouthpiece or consider orthodontics for pain relief. This pain may also be the result of cracks in teeth or dental appliances that are loose or have fallen out.

A dentist is the best resource to use for all toothaches. They can determine the cause of your pain, and advise you of your options for pain relief. 

To learn more, contact a dentist like Stephen P. Cary, DMD
